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Tree and Shrub Care

Services include:


Tree and woodland management plans and consultations

Tree insect, disease, and decay diagnostics

Soil sampling and analysis

Tree Planting

Young tree formative pruning

Edible fruit production pruning

Shrub shaping including espalier, topiary, pollarding

Maintenance pruning on larger trees including:
building clearance

hazardous deadwood removal

crown restoration from storm damage or bad pruning practices

structural support system installation, inspection, and adjustment

Tree removal including:

tight quarters technical removals

crane assisted removals

habitat spar creation

hazardous trees

small scale site clearing/logging

Timber stand improvement including: 

stand thinning, select cuts, disease management, Buckthorn management, planting, trail creation and maintenance, seed collection

Do you have a forest or small woodland that needs management? Let us help you!


Environment Enhancement

At Holistic, we favor a systems approach; improve the ecological system to advance the health of the plants growing there. Our intention is to foster slow-release, soil-building, water retentive landscapes without chemical use. We prescribe:

Soil enhancement—application of compost, wood chips, and deep rooted beneficial plants
Compost consultation—let us get you started on cooking your own soil!
Invasive control
Insect and disease advice and treatment

Erosion mitigation


Everything Else

In a nod to the nutrient cycling and carbon storage that happens in non urban ecosystems, we relish the opportunity to leave woody materials onsite in some shape or form. Let us know if you are interested in processing brush and logs into:

Raw lumber and slabs
Custom woodwork— benches, arbors, stools, planting boxes, fence panels, etc.

Hugelkultur construction

Erosion barriers

Bird houses

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